Recette: Délicieux Tartiflette

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Tartiflette. Place the potatoes in the pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Remove bacon; pour off bacon fat. Tartiflette Tartiflette au reblochon Tartiflette (d'une vraie savoyarde) Pizza tartiflette Tartiflette aux endives Tartiflette de poireaux Ma tartiflette revisitée tartiflette au munster Extra Tartiflette Tartiflette au camembert Tarte tartiflette Tartiflette à l'espagnole Quiche à la tartiflette Tartiflette (French pronunciation: [taʁtiˈflɛt]) is a dish from Savoy in the Alps.

Tartiflette The original recipe calls for nothing more than potatoes, chives, garlic and cheese, with an optional topping of creme fraiche, but most others use some combination of. The recipe was a great success. The name "tartiflette" may have been derived from the Piedmontese word for potato "tartiflâ". Vous pouvez cuisiner Tartiflette using 4 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Quelques ingrédients à faire Tartiflette Étape par étape

  1. Préparer 850 g of pommes de terre.
  2. Préparer 6 of oignons.
  3. Préparer 1 of gros reblochon.
  4. Fournir 2 of paquets de lardons fumés (400g).

While the potatoes are boiling, heat the oil in a large frying pan. Build the tartiflette in layers: a layer of potatoes on the bottom, then a layer of the fried onion and lardon mixture, then another layer of potatoes. Spread the crème fraiche over the top and. Heat the butter in a skillet over medium heat.

Voici comment faire Tartiflette Jusqu'à so

  1. Couper les pommes de terre en fines tranches et les faire revenir à la poêle..
  2. Couper les oignons en petits morceaux et les faire revenir.
  3. Faire revenir les lardons.
  4. Ajouter les lardons et les oignons aux pommes de terre.
  5. Mélanger et poursuivre la cuisson des pommes de terre.
  6. Ensuite, verser le mélange dans un plat.
  7. Couper le reblochon en 2 et le déposer sur le plat. Recouvrir le plat de papier d'aluminium et mettre au four pendant 30 minutes à 210°C. Ensuite, enlever le papier d'aluminium afin de laisser le reblochon griller quelques minutes..

Tartiflette is a cheesy French potato casserole, slathered in a cheesy cream sauce, dotted with crispy bacon, and topped with baked with typically Reblochon Cheese on top. It's typically served as a main course "apres-ski" but I think it makes for a fabulous holiday side dish. This hearty Tartiflette recipe from chef Steve Groves is a combination of onions, potatoes, bacon, cream and Reblochon cheese. Hailing from Savoy in the French Alps, it's an incredible dish to serve in cold weather (or if you're in the mood for something rich and filling). Feel free to replace some of the cream with crème fraiche if you're after a lighter finish.