Recette: Délicieux Kitchari

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Kitchari. Kitchari is the preferred food to use when fasting on a mono-fast or while going through cleansing programs such as panchakarma. Kitchari is excellent for detoxification and de-aging of the cells. Lifestyle choices are one of the basic tenets of Ayurveda and diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Kitchari Make the kitchari: Rinse dal and rice in several changes of water until water runs clear. Kitchari, traditionally made of yellow mung dal beans and basmati rice, along with digestive spices and ghee, is considered a cleansing and detoxifying food in Ayurveda. There is plenty of Ayurvedic wisdom to support kitchari's healing properties. Vous pouvez avoir Kitchari using 10 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Quelques ingrédients à faire Kitchari Comme indiqué

  1. Préparer 00 g of lentilles jaunes.
  2. Fournir 200 g of riz basmati complet ou de riz sauvage (ici un mélange des deux).
  3. Préparer 1 of CAS de ghee (beurre clarifié). Ici de l'huile de coco.
  4. Fournir 1 of CAC de graine de cumin.
  5. Fournir 1 of CAC de cumin en poudre.
  6. Préparer 1 of CAC de coriandre en poudre.
  7. Préparer 1 of CAC de curcuma.
  8. Fournir 1 of petit morceau de gingembre frais haché.
  9. Préparer 250 g of légumes (facultatif, ici petits pois et oignons nouveaux).
  10. Préparer of Sel, poivre.

In Ayurveda, sound digestion is paramount to health and wellness. Kitchari means mixture, and is a one pot meal of lentils and rice, traditionally made with a little ghee (clarified butter) and spices. I don't believe any garlic or onion are used traditionally, as they are stimulating. Similarly, I think the addition of vegetables to this simple mixture may be a more recent thing.

Voici comment faire Kitchari Comme indiqué

  1. Faites tremper les lentilles et le riz pendant 2 heures avant la cuisson. Rincez les. Chauffez la matière grasse dans une marmite, ajoutez le mélange riz/lentilles, puis les épices. Laissez revenir 2 minutes en remuant sans discontinuer. Mouillez avec 1/2 litre d'eau. Incorporez les légumes et portez à ébullition, laissez cuire 20 minutes jusqu'à ce que le riz et les lentilles soient tendres. Si nécessaire, ajoutez de l'eau selon la la texture désirée et prolongez la cuisson au besoin..
  2. C'est un plat que l'on peut servir ferme ou limite en bouillie (façon dhal). Salez, poivrez et servez.

Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish that's known to assist in detoxing the body and balancing all three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. Kitchari provides awesome nutrients while cleansing the toxins out of the body. It's a great way to cleanse the body and soul in a gentle way. Kitchari fasting is an ancient Ayurvedic practice using this easy-to-digest traditional rice and bean dish. Kitchari (pronounced kitch-a-ree) is a staple comfort food of India, also known as khichari, khitchari, and kitchiri, and also sometimes referred to as kedgeree (though incorrectly, as that is an English dish).